Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Living in the United Kingdom - costs

When you are planning your budget for living in the UK, it is not just your course fees that you need to take into account. You also need to calculate your everyday living expenses including your food, accommodation (rent and other bills), books and equipment, and clothes - making sure that you have enough left over for leisure activities and socialising. The cost of living varies between different regions of the UK; London, for example, is more expensive than average and costs may also be high in other major UK cities such as Edinburgh and Manchester. A lot is also down to you, of course - the cost of a pair of jeans can vary hugely, depending on how important fashion and designer labels are to you. Just as if you were at home, you need to be sensible about what you really need and what you can actually afford.

Budgeting for the year

At boarding schools and some international study centres, accommodation and meals are included in your fees, but if you are on a course at a further education college, higher education college or university, you will probably need to budget for rent and also for buying and cooking your own food. Even if your institution has a canteen, you will usually need to pay for the meals you eat there separately from your rent. You should always plan your living expenses over 12 months, even if the academic year is shorter, as you may have to pay accommodation and other costs over the holidays. It's also worth checking what bills you are expected to pay and which are included in your rent, as this can have a big effect on your budget. Student accommodation in halls of residence can often look more expensive than a room in a shared house, but all bills and internet access are usually included in the cost of your room, whereas in private accommodation you will be expected to pay these separately. Before you arrive, your institution should be able to give you clear guidance on exact prices of its accommodation, meals in its canteen, bills you will be expected to pay and the cost of living in the local region.
Online budget planners such as the one you will find at http://www.educationuk.org/ can help you to work out how much money you will need throughout the year. You will find it helpful to look at this before you arrive in the UK. You may also find it useful to check out the websites of UK chain shops and supermarkets that sell a range of products, such as http://www.tesco.com/ and http://www.debenhams.com/, as this can give you a basic idea of UK prices for food, clothing and other essentials you will need throughout your time here.

Leisure and socialising

How much you spend on your leisure time and social activities can also vary hugely depending on what you choose to do. If you go to the cinema once or twice a week, dine in expensive restaurants every evening and make regular trips to the theatre or the ballet, you will spend much more than if you take advantage only of the entertainment arranged by student societies. Most on-campus activities with friends will cost you next to nothing. Of course, the actual amount you spend is likely to be somewhere between the two. Most universities have a student cinema, nightclub, theatre and other entertainment available that you can enjoy for much less than similar entertainment will cost you off-campus.

Cheaper options

If you're going to be living on a budget, there are several tips for value buying. Outdoor markets are good for fresh food and cheap clothing and you will often find these close to areas where there are large numbers of students. Larger supermarkets where you can buy in bulk are generally cheaper than smaller local shops and stores and many sell good quality clothing, household goods and electrical equipment as well as food and other provisions. Some supermarket chains will deliver, and while there is likely to be a small charge for this it may be no more than the bus or taxi fare and much easier than struggling home with bags of heavy shopping.

Student discounts

Many shops, theatres, cinemas, museums and galleries offer special reductions for students and special student fares are often available on buses and trains. To take advantage of these, you will usually need to prove membership of the National Union of Students (NUS), an organisation that represents the interests of all students in the UK. Recent discounts listed on the NUS website include 10 per cent off purchases of selected items at HMV (a music and DVD retail chain), Topshop/Topman (a chain of fashionable clothing shops), ShoeZone (shoe shops), Peacocks (a chain of family clothing stores) and Argos (homeware and hardware). Ask at your Students' Union for details of the latest student discounts or check online at http://www.nusonline.co.uk/. Student discounts are also available on most UK travel.

Health care

All international students on full-time UK courses that last more than six months can take advantage of the UK's National Health Service, including free consultation with doctors and free hospital care for you and your family.

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